Friday, January 30, 2009

It's a beautiful day

This week I got the greatest news I could possibly get while at work, and it is not a promotion. I know what some of you might be thinking, how could something work related be better than more money and greater power? Well, for me, it is finding out that my boss of the last 6 months is leaving the company.

I work in the planning organization of a large retail company and for the last 6 months, I have had to report to a director who had very limited planning experience, but he did work for prominent consulting companies working on retail strategies. For those that do not work in the corporate world let me make something very clear, Consultants are idiots. They are, they come in ask a lot of inquisitive questions, come up with a lot of ideas on how to improve processes and make things more efficient(most of which have already been thought up by people within the company), make pretty graphs, and then collect a paycheck. They never see their ideas through or even think that the failures are because they have no real clue as to what goes on.

Anyway, my boss is a consultant, so basically an idiot. In his short 6 month stint he managed to learn nothing about how the business works, work at the office from 8am - 8pm everyday, without actually doing anything, alienate every single one of his employees by not actually talking to any of them, and in general make bad business decisions that have cost our company money. However, he did make pretty graphs. So, as much of a headache he was for me, I am ecstatic that I no longer have to deal with him, making this a beautiful day!!!!

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