Wednesday, August 1, 2007

And the Survey says.......

So, apparently researchers at the University of Texas were so hard up to find a topic to study, they decided that they would study the Why's behind people have sex. I know, I know, the question that plagued me when I read this article is that nobody had tried to tackle this kind of topic before. I mean, I have spent numerous sleepless nights asking myself, why do I have sex? Why does anyone have sex?

Lucky for us, after spending 5 years, yes, that is right 5 years of studying this topic, they have found the # reason why men and women have sex. And the survey says........."It Feels Good"! Oh wait, there is more, they even uncovered that men are opportunistic when it comes to sex, if it is there and available, they will jump on it. I was flabbergasted when I read that, I mean, who knew.

The only saving grace I have about this entire study is that they apparently spent there own money on it, so luckily, our hard earned tax dollars weren't wasted on such revolutionary research!

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